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(Parochial Church Council)

The PCC, is made up of the parish clergy and elected representatives from our congregation and is our church’s governing body with the powers and duties of the PCC laid down in law.   


Key duties are to co-operate with the vicar in promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to be responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also has a voice in the form of service used by the church and may make representations to the Bishop and Deanery Synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish. 


We currently have some vacancies on our PCC for anyone who is interested in helping the community and caring about our Church.  If you are interested in joining our PCC, please contact us.

Our PCC meets approximately eight times a year to discuss matters about the life of the Church.   As well as discussing finance and buildings, we also cover the Church's mission and involvement in the community, support of missionary work, the social life and activities of the Church together with the spiritual development of the congregation and our worship.   Given that this amounts to a lot of work for a small group of volunteers, the PCC delegates some of its tasks to sub-groups, such as the 'Admin Angels' who help with the administration and red tape that constitutes the Church's survival and support required to move forward and grow.  There is also a Project & Fabric Committee which meets regularly to discuss, manage and organise the smooth running of events, maintenance and repair/restoration work etc.



  • PCC membership is open anyone aged 16 and over!  

Young people can be elected on to the PCC if they are:

1) aged 16 or over;

2) baptized;

3) on the church electoral roll; and

4) living in the parish or have regularly attended the church for at least six months.

When elected on to the PCC, young people’s views and opinions are as valid as anyone else’s whatever age they are. They can vote and be part of any smaller groups that the PCC sets up. They can also help the older members understand what younger church members are thinking.

"God gives to all of us the responsibilities of stewardship for that which He has entrusted to us. This is true individually, but it is also true collectively. As a local church community, and as a PCC, we are stewards both of the mission of the church in that place, and of the resources available to the church".

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