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Tim and Lorna Brierley are pleased to continue the job of the overall supervision of the grass cutting and strimming in Bodenham Churchyard. 

On the first Saturday of each month the Church community hold a Pop Up Cafe. It is a time to meet and enjoy each other's company as well as offering delicious refreshments!   We would like to welcome those tending graves to join us at the Pop Up Cafe located inside the Church building.

It is also the day the Church Yardbirds meet to tidy and do extra jobs in the churchyard that help to keep it looking loved and well tended.  Part of our time is spent caring for the graveyard area and keeping it tidy.  In this respect we would encourage environmentally friendly tributes on gravestones.  

We would also be happy to help those who live further away and are unable to visit and attend to family gravestones regularly.  If families would like any help or advice in tending or appropriate planting ideas for their family graves we would be only too happy to help. 


All comments and suggestions to us please via the Contact Page. 

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